iHERE 頂級奶茶專家【奶茶界的LV- 松露奶茶】系列 <一生至少必嚐一次>


世界三大珍饈之一的頂級松露,有美食桌上的鑽石之稱, 一生必嚐的人間美味

Truffle Milk Tea (松露奶茶)以深具厚實口感與濃醇茶香的TWININGS英國皇室御用唐寧經典英倫早茶當基底,添加白巧克力提味,再搭配義大利進口頂級冬季白松露,前所未有的夢幻組合,值得喜好寰宇美食與懂得生活品味的您細心品嚐。若再加入台灣之光Q彈珍珠,此神品乃人間未曾聞味,堪稱全球首創的驚艷之作!

松露有「餐桌上的鑽石」稱號,與鵝肝、魚子醬並列西方三大珍饈。香氣等級由低至高:夏季黑松露、冬季黑松露及冬季白松露(最稀有)。產地則以義大利優於法國。白松露的產季為每年十月至隔年一月止。iHERE 以職人專業突破技術與價格門檻,推出舉世首見【松露珍奶】Truffle Pearl Milk Tea。

Truffle Milk Tea, the most famous and popular drink of iHERE tea & cafe, made from the best truffle of Italy, Twinings English tea and selected white chocolate, which is the world’s wonderful delicacy that you should not miss. 

iHERE tea & cafe, the most recommended tea room in Taipei. Located in west down of Taipei city, the historical area called “Monga”, where combines Taiwanese traditional culture and global creative spirit.

